Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Today at work, I found out how anal people are about their mail. I had a customer come in and complain that she didn't get her flyers!! This is not important mail, it's not even mail!! It's advertisement for pete's sake. She was quite upset, and I just don't get it. I would be upset if I didn't get a cheque I was expecting, but not if I didn't get a flyer. I actually wouldn't care if I never got another flyer. The thing is, she was complaining to the wrong person, I have nothing to do with the mail delivered to her mailbox, I only take care of the boxes at our retail outlet. Since I have been working at this job, I have heard enough complaints about mail to make me sick. Why are people so worked up about getting a wrong letter, or having to pay more for a stamp? Most of this stuff is beyond my control, so I give them the 800 number and tell them to try that. Speaking of mail, could one of you Americans tell me how much it costs to mail a letter to Canada from the States?

Friday, February 18, 2005

Grocery Shopping

How is it that you can go spend $400 on groceries, and then stop for takeout on the way home? I find it strange that we feel the need for fast food when we just spent all that money to have healthy food in the house. Maybe grocery shopping is just so exhausting there is no energy left over for cooking, lol. I must admit, I hate cooking and will use almost any excuse not to do it. I often tell my husband that once the kids are on their own, we will be having sandwiches or cereal for supper. He'll have to go to a restaurant for a good meal.
Anyways, I cannot believe the prices grocery stores are charging!! I remember when a box of Kraft Dinner was 25 cents, now you're lucky to find it on sale for under a dollar. If we didn't have to eat, we'd be rich. My oldest son eats nothing but Cheez Whiz, which is expensive, but we bought 3 big jars because it was on sale. We'll be lucky if it lasts a month. In Canada, we get a Child Tax Benefit every month, but the stupid thing is, they lower the amount when the child turns 7. It's then that you need MORE money! Teenagers eat an unbelievable amount of food.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day

WOW! After almost 25 years, my husband finally got me a good gift. He bought me a book, and a flower! The book is actually one I haven't read, so I know he had to put some thought into it. Any one who knows me, knows I would rather read than do most anything (yes, even playing at Toadgames). I was so surprised that he didn't go for the usual flowers, which are way overpriced!! Books aren't cheap either, but I get way more enjoyment from them. So, all in all it was a great day. I got the kids some candy, like they needed it. I miss the days when they would bring valentines to everyone in the class, spending hours writing the names on them, and making sure their "best friends" got the good ones. Now, they don't even want to give them to anyone, in case it means they "like" them. Oh, the lost days of innocence.
My 16 yr old is driving!! How scary is that? He still has his learner's permit, but he can go for his license in June. I am not ready for this!! Wasn't it just yesterday that we took the training wheels off of his bike?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I've been doing our taxes, and frankly it sucks! How can we pay so much and get so little back! My husband usually get a little bit of a refund, and this year he will still get some back, but not nearly the amount as usual, yet he paid more! When I think of all the taxes we pay, it makes me sick. We pay income tax, provincial sales tax, GST, and all the other hidden taxes on gas, smokes, booze, etc. Not to mention property taxes. Where does it end? I'm sure we only get 50 cents out of every dollar earned, and that's a generous estimate.
Oh well, I complain every year about the same thing, and there's really nothing that can be done about it. I should just be thankful that we do get a refund at all.
It's another hockey weekend, both boys had a game Friday night, one north and one south, youngest had two games yesterday and oldest has a game tonight. After this weekend, the playoffs start, so the end is in sight, lol. One daughter babysat over night last night and the other went with a friend to stay in a hotel in the city, waterslides and pool. It's actually pretty quiet here this morning!
Today is cleaning and laundry day here, I just can't seem to find the time during the week, so Sundays is it. What happened to those relaxing Sundays, just sitting around reading or playing on the comp? They seem to be a thing of the past.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Blah Blah

I found out today that if Canada was involved in the war, care packages could get there for free. Not throught the postal system, but if you can get it to the airport it will be delivered. Good to know.
Boring day at work today, very slow. The kids are being very rambunctious today!! My mom used to say we were going to get a storm when we were like that. She was usually right!
The school where my kids go made the news tonight. The kids are busy making magnets and selling them at local stores. All the money raised is going to the tsunami relief fund. So far they have sold more than 600 magnets and have orders for more, that is $1200. Way to go kids!! The magnets are very cute, blue for the ocean, yellow for the sun and rainbow ribbons for hope. I'm ashamed to say I haven't got one yet, but I will get one tomorrow.
No hockey tonight, yay. A rare night at home. I think I might actually get to watch some T.V. American Idol is on. The Canadian version is not quite as good, (I know, not very patriotic of me to say) but we don't have Simon, lol.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A little rant

Well, our daughter made it back from her ski trip with no broken bones. We are very grateful for that. She had a wonderful time skiing and can't wait to go again.
I am sorry, but I'm gonna have to rant a bit tonight. I work in a Retail Postal Outlet (not to be confused with a post office). Anyway, a little old lady came in today and wanted to mail a package. According to rules, I measured, weighed and calculated the cost. It was $84!!! That's not even the bad part. She was mailing this package to her grandson, who is in Afghanistan. Her grandson, who is from the U.K. is in the forces there. Her package had to go to England first and then on to Afghanistan. So, she pays $84 to get the package to the base in England, and then it is forwarded on to her grandson. She paid extra so it would get there in a week instead of 6-8 weeks. Now, I'm angry because this poor woman had to pay to send a care package to someone who is serving thier counry. Why is it not FREE to mail packages to family, friends and loved ones who are involved in a war?
Is it the same in the States? And other countries? OK, got that out of my system. Thanks. I'm sure there will be more ranting about my job. I love my job, but sometimes.....
We went to a hockey game again last night, our youngest son played. 200 km round trip! Good thing they won, lol. It was very cold in the arena, actually it's been very cold out for the last few days, around -28 C. I can't wait for winter to be over!!
I'm off to play some games now, while the computer is free for a bit. One daughter babysitting, other at 4-H, and son at hockey practice, which leaves only one son at home, and I'm bigger than him!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Saturday night at home, yay

I still don't know much about this blogging thing, even though I have spent the last hour here reading every help topic there is. I'm not even sure if my blogs are published,sheesh. I'm sure I will eventually get the hang of it.
Only the girls at home tonight, the boys have gone to a hockey game. Two of my sons play hockey, and when they aren't playing they are watching someone else play. I only go to their games, why freeze if I don't have to!! I must say, I really enjoy the games (except for the cold part). One thing good about two kids playing hockey, the winter flies by because you are so busy running around from rink to rink, especially out in the country. Some games are more than an hour away, and even our home rink is a 15 min. drive. I am now also an expert winter driver, don't have any choice because they never cancel anything unless it is a full blown blizzard, and even then it's iffy.
One of our daughters is leaving tomorrow morning at 6 am, going on a school ski trip. She is 13, and so excited, she has never skied before. I just hope she doesn't break anything! I will worry the whole time she is gone, gonna be a long 2 days. Her twin sister didn't want to go, thank goodness! I don't need double the worry.


Ok, this is all new to me, so bear with me as I ramble on.... I have no idea who will read this, or if anyone will. I am a mother, wife, grandmother and I work part time. I have six (yes six!!) children, ranging in age from 12 to 24. Four of these children live at home, and all of them are teens, yuck! I have one computer, you do the math and guess how many fights a day we have in our house. I will try to post as often as I can, but time on the computer is a precious commodity here, so.... Anyway, I'm looking forward to this whole blogging experience, and even if no one ever reads my blogs, I will feel good for having written them. I intend to treat this blogging thing as journal writing, so be prepared to hear about alot of ordinary, mundane, routine things. I must say, though, that occasionally something exciting does happen in my life....