Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A little rant

Well, our daughter made it back from her ski trip with no broken bones. We are very grateful for that. She had a wonderful time skiing and can't wait to go again.
I am sorry, but I'm gonna have to rant a bit tonight. I work in a Retail Postal Outlet (not to be confused with a post office). Anyway, a little old lady came in today and wanted to mail a package. According to rules, I measured, weighed and calculated the cost. It was $84!!! That's not even the bad part. She was mailing this package to her grandson, who is in Afghanistan. Her grandson, who is from the U.K. is in the forces there. Her package had to go to England first and then on to Afghanistan. So, she pays $84 to get the package to the base in England, and then it is forwarded on to her grandson. She paid extra so it would get there in a week instead of 6-8 weeks. Now, I'm angry because this poor woman had to pay to send a care package to someone who is serving thier counry. Why is it not FREE to mail packages to family, friends and loved ones who are involved in a war?
Is it the same in the States? And other countries? OK, got that out of my system. Thanks. I'm sure there will be more ranting about my job. I love my job, but sometimes.....
We went to a hockey game again last night, our youngest son played. 200 km round trip! Good thing they won, lol. It was very cold in the arena, actually it's been very cold out for the last few days, around -28 C. I can't wait for winter to be over!!
I'm off to play some games now, while the computer is free for a bit. One daughter babysitting, other at 4-H, and son at hockey practice, which leaves only one son at home, and I'm bigger than him!


Blogger grannytoad said...

I agree, mailings to service folks during a war should be free!

Glad you got some free time to play games. Helps to be bigger than the only kid at home... LOL

February 9, 2005 at 3:51 AM  

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