Friday, February 18, 2005

Grocery Shopping

How is it that you can go spend $400 on groceries, and then stop for takeout on the way home? I find it strange that we feel the need for fast food when we just spent all that money to have healthy food in the house. Maybe grocery shopping is just so exhausting there is no energy left over for cooking, lol. I must admit, I hate cooking and will use almost any excuse not to do it. I often tell my husband that once the kids are on their own, we will be having sandwiches or cereal for supper. He'll have to go to a restaurant for a good meal.
Anyways, I cannot believe the prices grocery stores are charging!! I remember when a box of Kraft Dinner was 25 cents, now you're lucky to find it on sale for under a dollar. If we didn't have to eat, we'd be rich. My oldest son eats nothing but Cheez Whiz, which is expensive, but we bought 3 big jars because it was on sale. We'll be lucky if it lasts a month. In Canada, we get a Child Tax Benefit every month, but the stupid thing is, they lower the amount when the child turns 7. It's then that you need MORE money! Teenagers eat an unbelievable amount of food.


Blogger grannytoad said...

AOBT does the grocery shopping. I usually have a meal or two in the freezer already cooked for when I just don't want to make dinner:) Hard to have extra meals set aside when you have teenagers tho.. I remember those days:)

February 20, 2005 at 3:41 PM  

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